Rock DJ is born on the 14th of november 2007 at cattery Mt. Kathadin's .
His father is Younster of Koi Pond and his mother Coon Forest Jingle Bell Rock.
He is a sweet guy, with much of energie.
He has a nice profile, high placed ears, a beautiful full, long tail and a very beautiful classic tabby pattern. His first litter are born ( Look under "offspring")
DJ wears SOLID ( No Dillution).
Bettina, thank you so much for this gourgeous and sweet boy!

In Memorium : Mt kathadin's Rock DJ was born on the 14th of november 2007 at cattery Mt. Kathadin's .
His father is Younster of Koi Pond and his mother Coon Forest Jingle Bell Rock.

DJ_2 jaar

 DJ died on the 30th of juli 2011 by cause of pyothorax based on pleurisy. This is inflamation of the lining of the lungs and chest. ( The pleura)

We mis him very much.


Our future Stud is living at Cattery JEM cats.

His name is Nova's Place For Everyman. Its a promissing en sweet boy.

You can find more info on their website.

Sem 11 mnd-2 Sem 11 mnd
Nova's Place For Everyman aka SEM n 09 22